Same-Day Bridges in Bakersfield

Dealing with missing teeth can be stressful. We understand that you want a fast solution without the wait. With same-day bridges, we can bridge the gap left by missing teeth in just a single visit. By using advanced technology to craft and place a custom dental bridge, you can walk out of our office with a restored, functional smile in no time.

Why Should I Get A Same-Day Bridge?

A same-day bridge is an excellent option if you're looking for a quick and efficient way to replace missing teeth. Unlike traditional bridges, which require multiple appointments, a same-day bridge minimizes the time you spend in the dental chair and eliminates the need for temporary solutions. You can enjoy the benefits of a full smile immediately!

dental bridges in Bakersfield

The Benefits

Speed and Efficiency

You can receive a fully functional and aesthetic bridge in just one visit, eliminating the usual waiting period associated with traditional dental bridge procedures.

Comfort and Convenience

With the latest dental technology, same-day bridges are made to fit comfortably and precisely, ensuring you can eat, talk, and smile with ease right after the procedure.

Natural Appearance

Same-day bridges are created to match the color and shape of your teeth, providing not just restorative benefits but also a seamless, natural-looking smile.

The Process

How It Works


Precise Imaging

The process begins with a digital scan, which provides high-definition, 3D models of your jaw and teeth. This precise imaging is crucial for designing a bridge that fits flawlessly.


Custom Design

Using the detailed images from the scans, your bridge is custom-designed in our lab to ensure it meets the specific size, shape, and color of your existing teeth for a natural look.


Fabrication and Application

Once it's ready, we’ll securely fit and bond it to the existing teeth, completing the process and leaving you with a fully restored smile by the end of your appointment.


Am I a good candidate for same-day bridges?

If you have one or more missing teeth with healthy teeth on either side, you're likely a good candidate for a same-day bridge. It's a fast, reliable fix to restore your smile.

How long do same-day bridges last?

Same-day bridges are durable and can last as long as traditional bridges. With good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups, they can serve you well for many years.

Are lab-made bridges better than same-day bridges?

Same-day bridges use the same high-quality materials as lab-made ones. The main difference is that your dentist designs the bridge, which can be beneficial as they know your mouth best. The quality and durability are comparable to those designed by technicians in a lab.

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